Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Unlike a terrorist attack or a threatening phone call, and individual’s freedom to fail is an unseen threat.  The loss on the freedom to fail is an internal handicap which poses a threat to an individual’s thought process on life.  This thought can paralyze, create fear, and imprison a person.   We are all created by the same creator, what you choose to call HIM is your preference.  Where the difference lies, are our passions, goals, dreams, wants and desires.  Successful people aren’t successful because they stop trying after they fail.  No, the reason successful people are successful is because they fail, and fail many times.  However they continue to strive to achieve and reach their goals.  Michael Jordan, one of the greatest athletes ever to live is quoted as saying, “I have failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.”    When we lose after trying is it really a lost?  I believe it’s not a lost, unless you didn’t try.  If you never try then if becomes a failure, because you lost the opportunity of knowing.  By this I mean; you never know until you try. This is a cliché, but it is true.  To examine freedom is to look at the gift of choice.  As   defined by the website it is “the power to determine action without restraint.”  As once told, we are our worst enemies.  A person has the power to determine their own actions.  By being your worst enemy if you restrain yourself from achieving or become stifled after failing then you are destroying yourself.  Thus creating an internal wound and  you are defeated.  In conclusion the loss on the freedom to fail is not lost, but the course of action that one takes after failure is what is lost.  Freedom is still apparent, but it’s up to the individual to get back up or stay down.  To achieve success, you have to achieve at accepting failure and overcoming the fear of continuation.  To avoid being lost you must be able to navigate past the obstacles, the put downs, and the fears, and stay strong on the path to success. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

EOC: Week 10: Marketing Channels

The distribution of Mormon Crunk Juice is highly important; this ensures that we reach the consumer market.  In order to assist with the distribution of our products we will implement various marketing channels.  The first channel of distribution will be from a reseller approach.  Resellers  will be key because they will be able to sell directly to the consumers, allowing also for them to take ownership of the products in order to sell to others.   The main resellers  will be in Salt Lake City, Las Vegas and Hawaii .  These cities are key Mormon territories, and well populated with members  of the religion.  To expand the reseller aspect we will use multiple resellers within the company thus establishing a reseller network.” If a marketer utilizes multiple resellers within its distribution channel strategy the collection of resellers is termed a Reseller Network.” Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing  However the network will be setup with exclusive distribution; thus only allowing certain distributors to represent the product. “Exclusive distribution also enhances the brand’s image and allows for higher markups.”printed page 324 This will allow us to protect the image of the Mormon religious beliefs.  Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing  To increase sales, and distribution we will also incorporate industrial distributors.  We will implement key personnel at all Mormon Missionaries MTC centers.    This will allow us to do business to business distribution throughout the United States.   There is a certain population who frown upon Mormon religion and practices, and we will have very limited supplies in those areas, .to cut back on product distribution lost.   So there’s no need to be wide open with our channel markets“Rolex gains stronger dealer selling support and more control over dealer prices, promotion, and services”.  pg 324 Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing


The commercial title Lemon was done by DDB Germany advertising agency for Volkswagen Car parts.  Inspector Kurt Kroner, found that the chrom strip on the glove compartment was blemished and needed to be replaced.  Bout how could he be the only one to find this error?”For factual quality of the Volkswagen bug there are about 3,000 are produced daily.  With over 3,389 men and women with only one job, to inspect the cars, how could this happen? ” In an age of blustery pitches glorifying size, power, and prestige”.  With the advertising agency running an add like this, it helped developed an instant pitch for the Volkwagen company.
We pluck the lemons; you get the plums. “  So as a result, this ad didn’t hurt the car company, in fact it help revolutionize an effective means of advertising.  the selling of the car was definitely hard during the time it was developed.  However with this ad, it helped boost the sales of the car.  According to the top 100 ad advertising campaigns, this ad was the number one ad on the list.
Before the advertising campaign for Volkswagen Beetle, ads were either information-based and lacking in persuasiveness, more fantasy than reality, or relied on the medium's ability to deliver a repeated exposure. Being breathtakingly simple, Beetle ads, connected with consumers on an emotional level, also conveyed a product benefit in a way consumers could relate to. That was the thing that made the advertising campaign for Volkswagen Beetle so radical. "Think small" (the text highlighted the advantages of driving the small Beetle versus a big car); the other presented the car with "Lemon" in a bold type (the ad copy explained that the chrome strip on the glove compartment was blemished and had to be replaced. “

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Implementation Eval Control

To implement a plan, is to simply put the plan into action.  Wyth Nu Productions CEO De Andre Robinson knows too well about strategic planning and action.  With a Honorable Discharge from the United Stated Marines Corps, he has had to planned strategic training on domestic and international soils.  With this experience he clearly understands the importance of the implementation marketing for Mormon Crunk Juice.  Whereas marketing planning addresses the what and why of marketing activities, implementation addresses the who, where, when, and how.” Pg 57  Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing To address these questions the who, well these are the consumers.  Rather they are members of the Mormon religions, non-members, or friends and family, they are the essential part of the marketing plan.  Once again, we are not using them to gain revenue, but to gain and strengthen relationships.  Next is the where?  We plan on delivering our Mormon Crunk Juice throughout the United States, especially within the rural communities. This allows the MJC to reach every angle of the population and communities, and everyone can be included no matter their location.  We will be rolling out or trucks, the week before Christmas, preferably doing Black Friday Weekend.  We feel this is a prime-time to introduce or beer to the holiday shoppers, since they will be out in masses.  We will continue to deliver the product throughout the Holiday season, until Feburay  due to football event, New Years, and Valentines Day.  At the beginning of March, we will do marketing analysis on how well the beer sold.  We will hire Market Managers within all of our markets, who will be responsible for generating reports, on a quarterly basis.  Market managers are responsible for developing marketing strategies and plans for their specific markets or customers. This system’s main advantage is that the company is organized around the needs of specific customer segments” pg 58 Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing     This allows Wyth Nu Productions to measure where the strong and weaker segments are located and where we may need to bump up promotions, and where the relationship bond may be weak.  Once again allowing us to strengthen the bond between Mormon religious members and their family and friends.                                                                         

Marketing Mix: Price

In order to set pricing for our Mormon Crunk Juice we must consider a few factors, such as economic times, competitors prices, and production cost.  The purpose for the creation of Mormon Crunk Juice is not to make money, but to strengthen relationships and give Mormon Church Members a since of connection.Pricing strategies usually change as the product passes through its life cycle. The introductory stage is especially challenging. Companies bringing out a new product face the challenge of setting prices for the first time. “pg 285 Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing.  As a result we will implement Uniformed-delivered pricing.  “Uniform-delivered pricing is the opposite of FOB pricing. Here, the company charges the same price plus freight to all customers, regardless of their location” Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing  By setting up uniformed delivered pricing, we can ensure that our customer’s can afford to purchase our beer no matter their financial status.  When setting our prices for our Mormon Crunk  Juice we will offer our 11.2 individual bottles for tw0-dollars each.  Since it’s more that a sports drink or water we figure that’s a reasonable price.  We will also offer a six pack of our 11.2 bottles for six-dollars and fifty cents.  For those who really enjoy the beer, we offer a pack of twelve for twelve dollars.  Being aware of our customer’s financial situations we will also run various promotional campaigns, to help save the consumer a buck or two.  With being in control of our product delivery system from trucks to owning our own warehouses; we don’t have to increase the prices to cove these elements.  This way our customers can afford to purchase our brand and strengthen their relationships.

Marketing Mix: Promotions

“Manufacturers are now searching for ways to rise above the clutter, such as offering larger coupon values, creating more dramatic point-of-purchase displays, or delivering promotions through new interactive media, such as the Internet or cell phones.” Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing   With today’s social and interactive media tools available Wyth Nu Productions will utilize to run promotions.  We will purchase our own blimp to advertise at all BYU sporting events, and all church related events.  In order to entice college students to purchase the beer, we will offer scholarships, and also a percentage off of tuition for a semester.  There probably wont be any newspaper advertisement, just due to the cost of the advertisement.  Since the church has its own television station, and website, these media outlets will be key to promotions.  We will connect to web affiliates and give discounts for people who come through those channels.  For every appointment set by the Missionaries, that family will receive a discounted coupon.  All kinds of companies now offer rewards programs. Such promotional programs can build loyalty through added value rather than discounted prices” Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing   At Wyth Nu Productions brewery we want to build value and strengthen relationships.  So we offer rewards points and coupons, for a certain amount of purchases of  MJC.  These rewards points can be redeemed for Airline tickets, theme park discounts, car rental, etc.  With this in place we will be providing consumers something of value in return for their purchases.  Some other items will be giveaways at the various colleges, church events.  These items may include t-shirts, bumper stickers, and key chains.  At some not all locations particulary grocery stores we will have samples of the beer for people to taste.” Samples are offers of a trial amount of a product. Sampling is the most effective…—way to introduce a new product” Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing   

Marketing Mix Distribution

“The extreme form of this practice is exclusive distribution, in which the producer gives only a limited number of dealers the exclusive right to distribute its products in their territories.” Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Mormon Crunk Juice distribution has to be carefully distributed.  We must place our product in those who believe in the Mormon religious practices.  Our distribution will mainly be handled by Mormon Missionaries, and some Mormon warehouses.  The warehouses will then stock the Desert stores, bishop storehouses, and other locations.  In every city within the United States Mormon Missionaries are placed to spread the religion and convert non-members.  By placing the Mormon Crunk Juice into the missionaries handles we can ensure personal one on one of the MJC.  The missionaries are not allowed to take cash from people, therefore we will appoint a salesmen or woman  go with them out on their appointments.  These individuals will responsible for the overall distribution and sale of the product.  As far as our transportation, warehouse, and shipping costs, they also will be streamlined for cost effectiveness.  However, transportation, inventory, warehousing, and information management activities interact” pg 335 Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing   When the missionaries are being transferred to another area, or new ones are just coming on their mission, they are sent to Mormon Training Centers.  Wyth Nu Entertainment will centralize its own trucks, (from the Albertson’s grocery chains),  within MTC in order to ship the MJC.  Inventory counts will be conducted by members of the church on a volunteer basis.  As a new brand we may use the internet, with information posted on the website   On other website, we may do what is call affiliate programs, directing traffic to other people sites.  As long as the sites do not hender or destroy the image of the brand or product.