Thursday, October 21, 2010


Internet Privacy is a very strong subject matter, in fact any privacy for that matter.  When the internet was first introduced it its purpose was government usage.  Over the years up to now, human’s have corrupted a valuable tool.  Every time you surf on the internet the sites that you go to are stored in your history and cookies files.  If you are using the internet in public places, and do not clear your history or cookies, then the next person can easily track.  I work for an internet company Clear, as a result have come to realize just how addictive people are to the internet.  With the invention of WI-FI people can access other people networks, and hack into their systems if they are not secure.  And also certain sites that you click on and input your information, sell your information to advertisers or marketing agencies.  Starting this spring, companies will be able to selectively target Facebook's members in order to research the appeal of new products through a polling system called Engagement Ads as demonstrated at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
An interesting fact that I found is that “ Two states, Nevada and Minnesota, require Internet Service Providers to keep private certain information concerning their customers, unless the customer gives permission to disclose the information.”   The Sisterhood, an online social network for teens, actually have admitted that they use this site to targets teenager’s shopping habits.  They share their secrets and influence one another … As marketers, it’s important to see what they are talking about and what they are buying,” says Marian Salzman, president of Euro RSCG.  With this said, how many other social networks have the same mentality.  As an internet users the ultimate decision is yours on what you want to provide security and privacy of your personal information.

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