Thursday, December 9, 2010

Marketing Mix Distribution

“The extreme form of this practice is exclusive distribution, in which the producer gives only a limited number of dealers the exclusive right to distribute its products in their territories.” Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Mormon Crunk Juice distribution has to be carefully distributed.  We must place our product in those who believe in the Mormon religious practices.  Our distribution will mainly be handled by Mormon Missionaries, and some Mormon warehouses.  The warehouses will then stock the Desert stores, bishop storehouses, and other locations.  In every city within the United States Mormon Missionaries are placed to spread the religion and convert non-members.  By placing the Mormon Crunk Juice into the missionaries handles we can ensure personal one on one of the MJC.  The missionaries are not allowed to take cash from people, therefore we will appoint a salesmen or woman  go with them out on their appointments.  These individuals will responsible for the overall distribution and sale of the product.  As far as our transportation, warehouse, and shipping costs, they also will be streamlined for cost effectiveness.  However, transportation, inventory, warehousing, and information management activities interact” pg 335 Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing   When the missionaries are being transferred to another area, or new ones are just coming on their mission, they are sent to Mormon Training Centers.  Wyth Nu Entertainment will centralize its own trucks, (from the Albertson’s grocery chains),  within MTC in order to ship the MJC.  Inventory counts will be conducted by members of the church on a volunteer basis.  As a new brand we may use the internet, with information posted on the website   On other website, we may do what is call affiliate programs, directing traffic to other people sites.  As long as the sites do not hender or destroy the image of the brand or product.

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